How To Use Dog Clipping To Groom Your Dog At Home

Trimming dog hair
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Owning a dog means that you’ll probably use dog clipping techniques to help keep him healthy and properly groomed. There are doggie nail clippers and coat clippers available to help you accomplish these tasks, and with a bit of practice, you can become proficient.

How to use dog clipping to groom your dog at home

Clippers for trimming a dog’s coat look very much like human hair clippers. So, can you cut dog hair with human clippers? The answer is, no. Don’t use the same clippers for your dog that you might use on yourself or friends and family. They’re usually less sturdy and not designed for dog hair.

Dog clippers aren’t cheap. But in the long run, you’ll save money on what you would spend for a professional groomer.

Clean Your Dog’s Coat Before Clipping

Do you bathe a dog before grooming? Yes, highly recommended. Make sure the dog’s coat is clean before you begin the dog clipping process. That helps the clippers work better and without clogging or dulling the blades from the accumulated debris that might be hiding in your dog’s coat.

Dog clippers come with a variety of attachments and which one you use depends on the type of dog, length of hair and how you want to trim the dog. Always move the clippers with the grain of the hair rather than against it to achieve the smoothest cut.

Begin The Dog Clipping Process On The Coat

Begin clipping on the dog’s back. You’ll run the clippers down the middle of the back to the point where the tail begins. Use gentle movements and try not to dig into his skin with the attachment.

After clipping his back, you’ll move to the sides of the dog, clipping it as short as you like.

You can then trim your dog’s coat around the neck and chest.

But, how to groom a dog face? Use scissors to trim around the eyes, ears and mouth.

Clip the tail next, being careful not to accidently cut his tail. Be sure and trim the hair around the dog’s anus too.

Trimming the stomach of your dog is a bit tricky and it’s easier if you can get your dog to lie on its back. You can prevent nicking the dog’s nipples by covering each one with your hand as you gently proceed down the stomach using the clippers.

Some dog clipper sets come with a video to teach you what each attachment is for and exactly how to use them effectively in your dog clipping process. You may also want to search online for information about how to use dog clippers to learn some good dog grooming techniques.

Clipping a dog's nail

Trimming Your Dog’s Nails

Dog clippers are also available to trim your dog’s nails – a necessary part of your dog’s grooming experience. So, how to use dog nail clippers? It may be intimidating at first. You may be afraid of trimming into the ‘quick’ and hurting your pooch. But practice makes perfect. And if you use a little extra caution the first few times, you’ll soon get the knack of it.

It’s up to you how often you use dog clipping to help groom your dog. You should be able to find online dog grooming for beginners information or ask your veterinarian about how your type of dog should be groomed. Alternatively, you can purchase some professional dog grooming videos or attend a dog grooming course.