Why You Need A First Aid Kit For Dogs?

Dog's first aid kit
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If you are a dog owner, you should always have a first aid kit at home for your dog in case of injuries or other health issues. Most of the items in first aid kits would be for flesh wounds. However, you can also keep some medication for your dog as well.

Why You Need A First Aid Kit For Dogs

Why a dog first aid kit is helpful?

You will be able to treat your dog quickly in an emergency should you have a first aid kit handy. This will enable your dog to receive some form of treatment before you take him to a vet. Depending on the injuries, this could save your dog’s life or prevent further injuries before reaching the vet.

In order to be able to use the items in the kit effectively, it would be beneficial for you to go for some first aid lessons if you do not have the necessary medical experience.

What should go into the dog’s first aid kit?

Now, you may be wondering, “What items should be included in the first aid kit?” The following are some items to consider having. However, your kit should not be limited to only these items.

Non-stick bandages

Firstly, you will need items for treating cuts, gashes or nicks. The regular adhesive bandages such as Band-Aids will not be suitable for dogs. You do not want to have a big clump of fur come off as well when the bandages are removed later. Non-stick bandages that can be wrapped around the wounded area work best.

Items to stop bleeding

You will need some gauze for bleeding injuries. Also, some blood clotting solution or powder would be useful to stop bleeding faster. ClotIt is one good product for stopping bleeding. Besides their blood clotting products, they also offer a full animal first aid kit.

Bleeding injuries in puppies are more serious as they have less blood in them compared to older dogs. As such, it is very important to stop any continuous bleeding immediately in puppies.

Tranquilizers to calm your dog

When you are treating puppies, it would be useful to have some tranquilizers available. They are more likely to have a conniption when injured. However, be careful not to use too powerful tranquilizers that are meant for much bigger dogs.

Usually tranquilizers are not needed for adult dogs that has been raised to be calm. However, if they are rowdy and rambunctious when you are treating them, then having some appropriately dosed tranquilizers in your first aid kit would be very helpful.

Some dogs do not like to be touched in certain areas.

For example, if your dog is sensitive about having his legs touched, then you may not be able to wrap up wounds on his legs. He will be uncooperative or even bite as he is scared and in pain. Tranquilizers will be able to help calm your dog down.

Medications for common aliments

If you have older dogs, it would be a good idea to include some medications in the adult dog kit. This would come in handy when they fall sick.