Should You Use Muzzles And Choke Collars?

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Sometimes you may need to use a muzzle or choke collar on your dog. However, you need to be aware of the dangers of using them incorrectly. You may end up seriously hurting your dog. So, it is wise to spend some time learning about the proper applications and basic safety precautions you need to take.

Should You Use Muzzles And Choke Collars?

A muzzle should only be used as a last resort

There are times when you need to keep your dog from biting, such as during a veterinary visit. Muzzles can be useful for this purpose.

Do not use muzzles for extended period of time

Do not allow your dog to wear a muzzle for more than 30 minutes. It should definitely not be the main type of collar you use on him.

Muzzles can cause heat exhaustion in dogs

Dogs need to open their mouths and pant to keep cool when feeling hot. Since a muzzle is designed to prevent a dog from opening his mouth, he will not be able to cool himself down which could result in heat stroke.

Never use a muzzle on a sleeping dog

The muzzle could interfere with his breathing while he is sleeping.

Fear or aggression can develop with overuse

Your dog can feel vulnerable if he is always kept on a muzzle. This will cause him to react to situations out of fear or panic.

Choke collars can damage the dog’s neck

A choke collar is designed to tighten up in order to discourage a dog from pulling against it. This would cause dangerous pressure on the dog’s neck and windpipe.

Prong collars can pinch or puncture your dog’s skin

Prolonged or repeated use of prong collars can physically injure your dog’s neck.

Overuse of choke collars and prong collars may make them less effective

If you are using a choke collar or prong collar on your dog too much, you can damaged the tissue around his neck. This will result is reduced sensitivity around the neck. Because he would not be able to feel the collar as much, he is more likely to pull causing you to pull harder. Serious neck injuries can result from this.

Injuries from choke collars

Choke collar can induce aggression

Your dog can react out of fear if he feels threatened when the collar tightens around his neck.

Emotional and physical damages can result

If you use choke collars and muzzles, especially as punishments, emotional as well as physical damages can arise.

Both muzzles and choke collars has the potential to cause dangerous injuries in your dog. So, never overuse or misuse them. If you have to use them, then make sure to use them properly and safely.