Reverse Sneezing In Dogs – What To Do About It?

Reverse sneezing in dogs
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Reverse sneezing in dogs are fairly common. It is also known as backwards sneezing where a dog makes rapid, long inhalations and stand still while extending his head and neck. A loud snorting sound can also be heard.

Is your dog affected by reverse sneezing?

If you have been a dog owner for quite some time, it is likely that you may have noticed your dog having a reverse sneezing fit.

No need to be too concerned about it

It can be worrying when you witness the episode for the very first time. You may mistakenly thought that your dog is having an asthma attack or, worse, a choking fit.

However, there is no need for panic. Although it may look quite distressing for the dog, reverse sneezing is not known to be harmful. The dog is perfectly normal after these episodes.

As long as your dog is healthy and stable, having some episodes of reverse sneezing is nothing to worry about.

Which type of dogs are affected

Dogs of all ages and breeds can experience it. However, it appears to occur more frequently in smaller and flat-faced breeds, such as the Chihuahuas and Shi Tzus.

This type of sneezing is really not complicated to understand. Unlike in a normal sneeze where air is expelled out, air is taken in rapidly in a reverse sneeze.

What cause this phenomenon

The same things that cause a normal sneeze – dust, powders and other small particles floating around in the air.

Sometimes there seem to be no obvious reason for it to occur. It is quite common to happen while the dog is asleep. Sometimes, it happens when the dog has just woken up after a long nap.

At times, it occurs after play, exercise or after a meal.

It can happen at any time, in the house, out for walks, or in the car. Episodes are typically quite random.

Remedies for reverse sneezing

A reverse sneeze is basically a spasm fit. There are a few ways you can help your dog to quickly get over it.

Firstly, you can try to move him to an area with fresh air. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of particles in the air to affect his respiratory system.

Another thing you can do is to gently blow into his face. Pinching his nose and gently scratching his throat may also help. Additionally, you can also try to calm the dog down by massaging his side or back.

If your dog reverse sneeze very frequently, it is a good idea to bring him to the vet. The extreme frequencies of reverse sneezing could be due to some allergies that require medication, such as antihistamines.