5 Dog Languages Your Dog Is Using To Communicate His Feelings

Dog communication with paw
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Ever notice your dog does funny stuff with his ears, tail, and other forms of body movement? This is dog language and it is his way of saying, “Hey you, yeah you! I’m talking to ya. Are you listening?”

5 Dog languages your dog is using to communicate his feelings

Dog Language With Paws

For example, a dog often uses his forepaw to show that he wants to keep the peace. He gives a paw to his master when he wants to ask his forgiveness after digging up the flower bed.

Raising one forepaw forward to another dog is a sign of submission. He is indicating that he will roll over, if necessary, to demonstrate his total compliance.

When he raises both forepaws alternately, he is telling you he wants to play. A persistent paw patting and pulling on your arm is an insistent request for some undivided attention.

Dog Language Of Dominance

In a confrontation, a dog attempts to establish his position in the dominant-submissive hierarchy by the posture and position of his body. When two dogs meet and set out to decide who is dominant, they will stand side to side, as if to say, “By gosh, I’m the biggest dog. I’m the boss.”

A dramatic dog will arch his neck, raise his shoulder and rump hackles, extend all four legs stiffly, and look like he’s standing on tiptoe. One of them may push against the other one. The dog who is giving in will remain completely still if he is touched.

If the submissive dog is really frightened, he will roll over, as if to say, “I’m all yours. Do what you want.”

The dominant dog will then think, “I’ve got a chicken here. He won’t do anything… he’s a non-threat, lying there.” The confrontation is then over.

Dog Language Of Pride

Sometimes a dog feels proud and he prances. He might be thinking, “I’ve got me a shoe. That’s the one I got whipped for last week, but I got it again!”

Dog Language Of Playfulness

When a dog lowers his front end, leaves his tail end up, makes a nose-stab, then leaps backward and runs off, he is inviting you to play. When you see him race in circles, he is overjoyed about something – probably your arrival.

Dog language of love

Dog Language Of Love

Most dogs are adept at one kind of body language that is plainly unambiguous. He speaks it when he lays his nose on your knee and looks up inquiringly with soft brown eyes, or when he muzzles the back of your neck while you are driving.

He is speaking his own language of love that has made him “man’s best friend” for thousands of years, and no dog owner has ever needed instructions in dog body language to get this message!