How To Get Rid Of Dog Bad Breath

Dog bad breath problems
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Doggie breath has been the butt of jokes for years. You and your friends might turn away from your dog and grimace every time he breathes in your vicinity – that’s doggie breath. There are remedies for dog bad breath that can help – some can be purchased and others you can mix at home.

Here're some tips on how to get rid of your dog bad breath problems. Before you start any remedy, it is important to know the causes of your dog's bad breath. It could be due to teeth issues, poor oral health, or other problems. #dogbreath #dogoralhealth

Some causes of dog breath problems aren’t easily remedied, but it can get better with a bit of research and persistence. For example, if oral hygiene is the problem, you’ll want to be sure and take the dog to the veterinarian and make sure there’s no medical problem. Then, brush the dog’s teeth and gums on a regular basis to remove plaque buildup.

Switch The Brand Of Your Dog Food

You may need to switch your dog’s brand of food or try a more natural diet that you put together for him at home. There are also chew toys that you can give your dog to help treat dog breath. Many treats also target your dog’s breath.

Make Sure Your Dog Is Not Eating Items That It Shouldn’t

Your dog may also be eating items that it shouldn’t, such as human table food or old bones that he picks up from outdoors. This might also cause digestion problems which could result in dog breath.

Check For Oral Problems And Disease

Halitosis in dogs could be a sign of an oral disease or another disease happening in the dog. Other than puppies – which all have bad breath – you should check with your vet if the dog’s breath problem becomes extremely offensive and you suspect an underlying cause.

Some things to check when examining your dog’s mouth include abscessed teeth, inflammation of the gums or an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the tooth (Periodontitis), a piece of debris stuck in the dog’s mouth or oral sores.

Observe your dog and notice any signs of oral pain, discharge or excessive drooling. If your pet has trouble swallowing or eating, there may be a problem that should be addressed by your vet. Your pet might slip into a depression if these things are happening to him. So also be aware if your dog is displaying unusual behavior.

Other problems that could cause dog breath are cancer and kidney disease. If you just can’t get rid of the dog breath problem, it’s best to consult your veterinarian and let him run tests to see if internal reasons are causing the odor.

Cleaning a dog's teeth

Don’t Use Human Solutions For Dog Bad Breath

Never use human mouthwashes, toothpaste or breathalyzers to cure your dog breath problem. These may be harmful to the dog and cause other maladies. Spraying a solution that’s 0.12 percent chlorhexidine for one to two weeks may help dog breath, but be sure to ask your veterinarian about using it on your dog.

Knowing what the problem is can be the first step toward solving your dog breath problem. Once you know the reason, it’s easier to find the remedy.