How To Stop Your Dog From Jumping Onto People?

Dog jumping onto people
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Dogs tend to get very excited when guests arrive at the house. In their excitement, some dogs even jump up onto the guests. Sadly, many dog owners are encouraging this bad habit in their dogs without knowing it. It can be rather difficult to break this habit once it has been formed. Although difficult, fortunately, it can be done.

2 Possible Reasons Why Your Dog Jumps On People

Your dog learn the bad habit when he was young

While your dog was still a puppy, you probably encouraged and rewarded him for jumping onto your lap by petting and cuddling him. When your dog grows older, you may not want him to jump onto your lap, but he has already learned that behavior.

Dogs can get excited easily

Some dogs are simply more energetic than others. It does not take much to set them off. The simple ringing of a doorbell signifies the arrival of guests. For many dogs, this is very exciting in and of itself.

5 Ways to Stop Your Dog From Jumping On People

Desensitize your dog to the doorbell

You can teach your dog to react calmly to the ringing of the doorbell. Have several people outside ring the doorbell one after the other to desensitize your dog to the ringing.

Use basic obedience training

Getting your dog to learn simple commands, such as sit and stay, can be very useful. Not only does this teach your dog to respond to you, but you also can use these commands to get your dog to stay off your guests.

Do not give any attention to the behavior

If you want to stop your dog from jumping up on your guests, stop rewarding him for the behavior. Do not give him any attention and instruct your guests to ignore the dog if he jumps up.

Do not let your guests pet the dog until he is calm

Tell your guests not to pet the dog until he sits down calmly. This will teach him that he only receives attention if he is sitting down.

Let your dog learn that the behavior is unacceptable

To teach your dog that jumping up is not an acceptable behavior, have a few friends stand outside your house and ring the doorbell one at a time. Your friends should enter the house one at a time, and if your dog jumps up, they should immediately turn and leave.

The key is consistency

If you really want to break your dog’s bad habits, you need to be consistent about enforcing the rules. Do not let your dog slide. You should always correct him when he jumps up on guests, so he learns to stop.

Excited dog jumping onto people

Reward him for good behavior

Teach your dog that reacting calmly to guests will earn him more rewards than by jumping up. Praise your dog and offer him a reward for remaining calm when the doorbell rings.

Many dog owners unknowingly teach their dogs to jump up on people by unwittingly rewarding them for doing so. It can be rather difficult to correct this bad habit once the dog has learned it. However, with consistency, it can be done.

How to stop your dog from jumping onto people