4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Teeth

4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Dog's Teeth
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Your dog has become a special part of your family. He provides companionship and devotion to you without asking for much in return. You’ll want your dog to stay around for as long as possible, so keeping him healthy is important.

There is one thing most people forget about when taking care of their dogs. It is that their teeth also need to be taken care of. We know that wild dogs keep their teeth free from plaque naturally. They chew on raw bones which are a natural scraper of the plaque. That also helps to remove any soft meat that may get stuck in their teeth. Otherwise, the meat would normally cause bacteria to grow rapidly.

You need to remember that your dog isn’t like a wild animal. He needs your help from the bacteria that causes bad breath and other problems. Your dog generally eats soft canned food or small chunks of the hard food. So these aren’t going to provide him much for natural teeth care. Unlike the raw bones that wild dogs chew on.

Chew on raw bones

If your dog is special to you, help him out and take care of his teeth for him. The first thing you need to do is to let them chew on raw bones regularly – at least a couple of times a week.

It doesn’t have to be your soup bone. It could be a rawhide bone you can find in your local pet store. They’ll instinctively chew on the bone and the plaque can easily be scraped off. Also, any soft meat that may be stuck between their teeth will get loosened up before any problems can occur.

Brush teeth with toothpaste

If the bone isn’t working, or if they just aren’t interested in chewing on bones, then you should take his mouth care into your own hands and brush them with toothpaste. Don’t give him the same toothbrush and toothpaste that you would use.

You can find special brushes and toothpaste for your dog at the local pet store.
Brushing them daily is preferred, but if it’s not feasible, then brush them at least 3-4 times weekly.

Scrub the teeth well and massage the gums also to provide for good circulation within his gums. Get rid of any food that gets stuck in his teeth.

Hard, dry food

The hard, dry food is always better than soft food when it comes to cleaning his teeth.

It’s not a substitute for proper cleaning, but it does help to some degree. So make sure he gets to ingest dry food as well as soft, canned versions. Even dog biscuits can help since they’re hard and dry and can help remove any plaque.

Bowl of dog biscuits

Periodic checkup by a vet

Have the vet inspect his mouth and teeth every time you take your dog in for a checkup. They can spot anything that you may have missed. Moreover, they can offer advice on how to clean the teeth better. Also, they can advice on what foods you could give to your dog. These foods can naturally help clean the teeth and keep bacteria at bay.

It’s better to treat the teeth before things get out of hand and get more expensive for your pocketbook. Keep your dog around for your family for as long as you possibly can by keeping him healthy and keeping his teeth healthy, too.

4 Ways To Take Care Of Your Dog's Teeth